Gift Ideas:

ALL AGES & GENDERS: pictures of you and your family, stickers (truly, they ALL love stickers), colorful/patterned socks, wash cloths, jewelry, balloons, hacky sacks, colored pencils, toothbrushes

Girls (ages 7 and under): small toy figurines, mini stuffed animals, crayons, markers, jewelry, clip-on earrings, mini Play-Dohs, jump ropes, costume face masks, fabric head bands, new shirt (this fill mostly fit into your envelope if you fold it tight), fun erasers, whistles, stencils

Boys (ages 7 and under): small toy figurines, toy cars, mini stuffed animals, crayons, markers, ties, mini Play-Dohs, jump ropes, costume face masks, new shirt (this fill mostly fit into your envelope if you fold it tight), fun erasers, whistles

Girls (ages 8+): card games (Skip-BO, UNO, Go Fish, ect.), deck of cards, nail clippers, clip-on earrings, chapstick, mini bracelet making kits, fabric head bands, drawing pencils, stencils, dice with easy-to-understand game instructions

Boys (ages 8+): card games (Skip-BO, UNO, Go Fish, ect.), deck of cards, nail clippers, ties, masculine jewelry, chapstick, fidget spinners, drawing pencils, mini/unboxed lego kits, resealable water balloons, dice with easy-to-understand game instructions

Girls (teens+): re-usable sanitary pads